At lelǝḿ, Musqueam has invested in a sustainable energy system to generate green energy to 1,200 residential units, meeting the heating and cooling needs of residents while significantly reducing our carbon footprint. Today, SHARC Energy hosted an event at lelǝḿ Village showcasing the WET (Waste Energy Transfer) system.Check out the photos from the event! #musqueam #musqueamcapital #indigenousbusiness #lelemliving #sharcenergy #greenenergy #reducingcarbonfootprint #energy efficiency #environmentalstewardship #musqueamdevelopment #sustainability

At lelǝḿ, Musqueam has invested in a sustainable energy system to generate green energy to 1,200 residential units, meeting the heating and cooling needs of residents while significantly reducing our carbon footprint. Today, SHARC Energy hosted an event at lelǝḿ Village showcasing the WET (Waste Energy Transfer) system.Check out the photos from the event! #musqueam #musqueamcapital #indigenousbusiness #lelemliving #sharcenergy #greenenergy #reducingcarbonfootprint #energy efficiency #environmentalstewardship #musqueamdevelopment #sustainability