Learn more about the economic development projects managed by the Musqueam Capital Corporation! MCC is hosting the MCC Open House for Winter 2023 on Thursday, 23 February, from 5:00–7:30 PM.The event takes place at the Musqueam Cultural Centre, 4000 Musqueam Ave. Vancouver, BC V6N 3S2 Canada.Save the date so you can attend!#MusqueamCapitalCorporation #MusqueamCapital #MusqueamIndianBand #MusqueamNation

Learn more about the economic development projects managed by the Musqueam Capital Corporation! MCC is hosting the MCC Open House for Winter 2023 on Thursday, 23 February, from 5:00–7:30 PM.The event takes place at the Musqueam Cultural Centre, 4000 Musqueam Ave. Vancouver, BC V6N 3S2 Canada.Save the date so you can attend!#MusqueamCapitalCorporation #MusqueamCapital #MusqueamIndianBand #MusqueamNation