On Friday, June 21, the Musqueam proudly celebrate National Indigenous Peoples D

On Friday, June 21, the Musqueam proudly celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day. The theme for this years event is “I’m glad to be Musqueam.”
Join us as we celebrate all that is Musqueam with games, entertainment and food. –
niʔ ʔəncə (Where?) Musqueam’s Cultural Centre (4000 Musqueam Avenue)
Lunch will be served in the Community Centre (6777 Salish Drive) –
təmtem (When?) Friday, June 21, 2019
11:00AM to 3:00PM (lunch served between Noon and 2:00PM)
We hope to see you there! –
#nationalindigenouspeoplesday #nipd2019 #nipd #nationalaboriginalday #gladtobemusqueam #musqueam #mcc #musqueamcapital #oneheartonemind